Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Precious relations...

Nothing in life is permanent...expect for could be for the better, or the worse...but it does leave a lasting impression...on our hearts, on our minds and in some cases even our souls!!! 

The sapling that you plant water and nurture  for so many years..having protected it from all external exegenices..and having given the best of both fine hand it over to another person...hoping that he will take care of it...just the way you did...cause the sapling, which is now a lively none other than your child....

You take the next step...the mind is cluttered with a million thoughts...what would be my soul mate like? will i live the life of love i always dreamed of...will he hold my hand and be besides me...against all odds...will i be able to be a good soul mate...and so on and so forth...

Then there are apprehensions...where all negative things come to one's mind...and we think of the worst of our nightmares coming true....where we think...what if i am a misfit and unable to adjust...what if he has painted a rosy picture of his life...completely different from mine!!

Thoughts that battle day in day out...the positivity wins over the negative and then you feel the thing...we all long to feel..wanted and loved...its the time you feel all gooey and mushy from inside...when you literally know what it is to go weak in the knees when you see your entire face flushes with colour when the special the look that you know says a million things...while to the is only silence...

You can't loose your appetite...when you are with them..time flies and when you are miss them so much...your heart does a million flips a minute and you feel that the pain could almost kill know there is something changing in your life...inside know it...but you cant explain it to anyone....

Day in day are in a see stuff but cant relate to it...its all a tizzy for don't know whats hit you...the world is a beautiful place and everything seems nice...the birds...the breeze...they all seem to fresh and rejuvinating....

No one else but you seem to notice the difference in the way the world has can't do without them...they are always in your mind...when you are with eyes light want to stand on a mountain and scream your gut out...the joys is want to share your happiness with the world...the feeling of ecstasy comes to you without anything to lift your spirits...and lingers on and on...

It could be could be love...whatever it sure makes the world go round...with them as the center of your world...its awesome..its fantabulous..its where words coagulate and words get stuck in your throat cause you are overawed with what's happening around cant tell..but only feel..the change thats coming over gives you a reason to smile... a reason to believe in him above and moreover a reason to know that you were meant to be together...FOREVER!!!!

1 comment:

  1. beautifully written & very true.. u may like to read my blog
